Experience the allure of our Three Dozen Red Roses – a graceful arrangement of exquisite red roses, capturing the essence of passion and romance. Perfect for any occasion, these carefully selected blooms speak volumes, creating a timeless expression of love and sophistication.
Delivery is available Monday to Sunday throughout the UK with same day service in London, next day for rest of the UK.
Regular - 36 red avalanche roses, 9 pink wax flowers, 2 bunches eucalyptus, 0.5 bunch of viburnum tinus
Large - 42 red avalanche roses, 12 pink wax flowers, 2 bunch eucalyptus,1 bunch of viburnum tinus
Deluxe - 50 red avalanche roses, 15 pink wax flowers, 2 bunches eucalyptus,1.5 bunches of viburnum tinus